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Chemiczne sterowanie w toku


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Wg różnych źródeł kiedyś w obozach podawali więźniom duże dawki fluoru, co miało czynić ich spolegliwymi i niezdolnymi do buntu, także i taka "tęczowa swasta na ulicach miasta"

nie byłaby dla mnie specjalnie szokująca. 


A tutaj ciekawy art o podawaniu oksytocyny:


Fragment o zmianie zachowania zwierząt:




The study also wanted to look at possible dose-dependent differences: If one dose creates an effect, it doesn't necessarily follow thata different dose will create the same effect. In fact, she cites research showing that in schizophrenic patients, 20 IU of oxytocin increased emotion recognition, while a dose of 10 IU actually decreased it.


There was one troubling result: The male voles treated with low or medium doses of oxytocin were actually less likely to bond with a female --and this effect lasted two weeks after treatment stopped. That could be equivalent to years in a human life. The female voles in the study also seemed to be less interested in mothering.


Bales thinks that this effect could be attributable to down-regulation of the oxytocin receptors or oxytocin-producing neurons; that is, with external oxytocin flooding the receptors, they might become desensitized, while the oxytocin-producing brain cells might lower their production because it's not needed. It also could be attributable to changes in the vasopressin system, she suggests. Vasopressin is another brain chemical very similar to oxytocin that seems to be more important in male bonding.


She says, "I originally thought that we would see the most changes with the highest dose of oxytocin, and that would be because of flooding oxytocin receptors and binding to vasopressin receptors.  But since we had the most changes at the lowest dose, that seems less likely. Males do seem to be especially sensitive to developmental exposure to oxytocin...perhaps because they rely less on it normally?"

Bales' work is with prairie voles, not people. But so far,what vole research taught us about oxytocin is quite applicable to humans. We think we're so different from this tiny, humble creature. But in fact, the genetic difference between Homo sapiens and other mammals is very small.


Organizm zawsze dąży do homeostazy...

A zabawy w bogów zawsze źle się kończą. :) 


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