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Enneagram - kolejna przydatna typologia osobowości

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Śmiać mi się chce bo trafiłem na takie coś, a "moja romantycza czwórka" nie ma nikogo od dupy strony do dopasowania :D


The most common Enneagram couples.

To find common Enneagram pairings below, we consulted the research from Hall's The Enneagram in Love and Helen Palmer's book The Enneagram in Love & Work. Hall notes that her research indicated that some relationship combinations are more common, thought this does not necessarily make them more compatible.

Type Ones commonly pair well with Twos, Sevens.

Type Ones are known as the Reformers of the Enneagram. Dedicated and perfectionistic, Ones are detail-oriented, conscientious individuals who have high standards. Ones are drawn to those who can help them lighten up and find beauty in the imperfect moments of life. 

In a One-Two partnership, since task-oriented Ones can feel rigid, the heart-forward and attentive Two can bring warmth to the Ones' pursuit of integrity and encourage them to soften and relax. Likewise, Ones bring consistency and security to Twos, who struggle with abandonment issues. 

In a One-Seven partnership, this is considered a complementary relationship since they share an Enneagram line. Ones are attracted to their adventurous, irreverent spirit. Joyful Sevens can remind the generally composed, hardworking One to let loose and, most importantly, not feel guilty about having fun. Ones infuse Sevens with a much-needed sense of purpose and direction, grounding the flighty Seven.  

Type Twos commonly pair well with Threes, Eights.

Type Twos are known as the Helpers of the Enneagram. Compassionate and nurturing, this self-sacrificing type can give and give to their partner until they are empty. Since Twos have a problem vocalizing their needs, it's vital they date someone who can reciprocate intimacy and won't take advantage of their generosity. 

In a Two-Three partnership, they share similar interests, energy levels, and charisma, making this a high-energy match. The charming Threes can galvanize the Twos to reach their potential instead of focusing on others, and Twos offer unconditional approval to their Three partner, who can struggle with overidentifying with their work persona instead of their authentic self.

In a Two-Eight partnership, there are many similarities since they share an Enneagram line. Twos like the strength and conviction of the passionate Eight who reminds Twos to step into their power. Alternatively, Twos help Eights let down their walls to embrace their inner softy and feel comfortable showing more affection.

Type Threes commonly pair well with Nines.

Type Threes are known as the Achievers of the Enneagram. Driven, ambitious, persuasive, Threes are interested in excellence, crushing their goals, and reaching their ideal level of success. However, their image-oriented personality can hinder vulnerability and authenticity. 

In a Three-Nine partnership, the effacing Nines can support the Threes' ambitions and, most importantly, innately accept them for who they are, not what they can do. This stability allows Threes to connect to their emotions. Likewise, Threes help the happy-go-lucky Nine move toward the spotlight and find respect and value in their own personhood.  

Type Fours commonly pair well with Fives, Nines.

Type Fours are known as the Individualists of the Enneagram. Self-aware, artistically inclined, and introspective, the sensitive Fours are drawn to authenticity and intensity. Fours tend to get swept away in their daydreams and feelings, which can unmoor them from reality and leave them seeking heightened emotional states. 

In a Four-Five partnership, the emotionally expressive Fours can rely on the straightforward, steady Five to say what they mean and mean what they say. The Fives' logical nature can act as an anchor to the Fours, who can feel turbulent. Fours admire that Fives are not afraid to explore the depths of emotionality and together; they can have an intense and stimulating connection. 

In a Four-Nine partnership, Fours bring passion and intensity to the mellow Nines. Nines are naturally nonjudgmental and welcoming to all emotions, which helps the Four feel safe. 

Type Fives commonly pair well with Ones, Twos.

Type Fives are known as the Investigators of the Enneagram. Inquisitive, objective, and analytical, Fives are private, intellectual types who love learning and acquiring new knowledge. Because they are mentally focused and can live in their head, it can take Fives a longer time to process emotions and express intimacy, which can come off as detached. 

In a Five-One partnership, the Fives find value in the Ones' independence, curiosity, and similar mutual interests. Likewise, the Ones appreciate Fives' lack of judgment and steadiness which gives them comfort. The partnership can build a strong foundation of dependability and trust. 

In a Five-Two partnership, this is a true meeting of opposites. The Fives' objectivity and strong boundaries are attractive to porous Twos, who have trouble stating boundaries. The independent Fives crave alone time and don't always want the Twos to overextend and help, which pushes Twos to take care of themselves. In return, the people-oriented Two can add cozy domesticity and a bustling life into the dynamic. 

Type Sixes commonly pair well with Nines.

Type Sixes are known as the Loyalists of the Enneagram. Committed and trustworthy, the security-oriented Sixes can be anxious and highly suspicious, placing value in systems and institutions to feel safe. They benefit from relationships that are calm and stable.

In a Six-Nine partnership, this is a complementary and solid pairing. The accommodating Nines have a generally peaceful and calm presence, which soothes the Sixes' perpetual doubts. In return, the Sixes bring unquestioned loyalty and predictability to the mix, while animating the Nines to come forward and engage with life. 

Type Sevens commonly pair well with Nines.

Type Sevens are known as the Enthusiasts of the Enneagram. Considered the jack-of-all-trades, the playful and exuberant Sevens want their life to resemble an exciting adventure, jam-packed with plans and activities. However, the Sevens are future-oriented because they are fearful of feeling the anxiety in the current moment, which can make them flighty and impulsive. 

In a Seven-Nine partnership, the free-spirited Sevens and agreeable Nines are an upbeat couple with a sunny, positive disposition. Energetic Sevens can add dynamism to the relationship, while Nines can help the Sevens slow down and enjoy the present moment. 

Type Eights commonly pair well with Nines.

Type Eights are known as the Challengers of the Enneagram. Powerful and self-confident, the authoritative Eights dominate their reality and express their love through protection and strength. Because they don't back away from confrontation, they can come across as forceful and overly aggressive.

In an Eight-Nine partnership, Eights exude dazzling high energy and competence, which can attract Nines, who tend to merge with strong personalities. Nines admire the Eights' ability to take on challenges, while Eights find solace in the Nines' calm energy. 

Type Nines commonly pair well with Ones, Twos.

Type Nines are known as the Peacemakers in the Enneagram. Reassuring and harmonious, Nines are supportive to a fault, their conflict-averse nature may cause them to minimize and simplify problems. Nines can become too comfortable, leading to stubbornness and an unwillingness to assert themselves.

In a Nine-One partnership, Ones hugely benefit from the easygoing nature of the Nine. Ones suffer from an intense inner critic, and the gentle, agreeable Nine can reduce their anxiety about always having to be right. Ones can impart structure and clarity to the peaceful Nine. 

In a Nine-Two partnership, both types can feel similar in how they interact and react in the world. The good-natured Nines value the Two for who they are, not what they can give. Twos are focused on the Nines, which helps them set an agenda and take an active role in their life.


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Spiritual Desire Spiritual Block Focus, Need and Learned
1 Relax
Fear of being wrong Focus on getting it right but make errors in judgment by being narrow minded.
Need to learn, improve, get it right and be appropriate.
Learned to understand obsessive behavior, compulsions, critical voice, recognize own rigidity, to be less judgmental, to be more accepting and to find some serenity.
2 Freedom & Healing Fear of Loneliness Focus on giving to others but remain needy and fearful.
Need to seduce others and be in relationship to feel secure, move towards others.
Learned more about self, own emotional responses, my different relationships with spouse, friends family and associates and hidden need to manage others perceptions.
3 Sincerity & Awareness Fear of not doing Focus on success but remain unaware of not having an accurate self-image.
Need clarity, focus, to be polished and have a successful presentation.
Learned to recognize own deceit and falseness, mimicry, adopted image and need to adapt to maintain the image of success and need for a spiritual role to emulate.
4 Self Discovery & Connection Fear of no meaning Focus on sensitivity and depth but remain unaware of indifference and sophistry.
Need spiritual connection, personal growth and self-development.
Learned compassion and acceptance for self and others, emotional organization, manage disorientation, see inner patterns, driving forces and focus on spiritual ideal.
5 Insight & Guidance Fear of obligation Focus on being knowledgeable but remain ignorant of the truth of emotions.
Need clear mind, to acquire knowledge, avoid obligation and entanglements.
Learned tolerance, to be aware of avoiding engagement and personal orientation to the world and patterns of behavior, peace without deadness or complacency.
6 Rapport & Faith Fear of being mislead Focus on being loyal & dutiful but remain unaware of disloyal or persecuting actions.
Need to question, be safe, supported, encouraged, manage anxiety and survive.
Learned to know and understand self & others, personal challenges, be realistic, uncover strengths, to be non-judgmental and that duty is fear of being cast out.
7 Balance & Depth Fear of disappointment Focus on the bright side but remain in the dark about own negative emotions.
Need satisfaction, equality, freedom, to see spirituality as a journey.
Learned to listen, avoid pitfalls, to go deeper, hidden desire to have control, to make better choices, to be proactive rather than reactive and wholeness.
8 Compassion & Sensitivity Fear of being manipulated Focus on truth and justice but remain in denial about playing with the truth.
Need truth, respect, to know where others are coming from, what makes them tick.
Learned to be more conscious of tendency to dominate, intimidate, to be compassionate with self and others, to feel joy instead of just pleasure.
9 Wholeness & Forgiveness Fear of being uncomfortable Focus on seeing all points of view but remain unconvinced by any.
Need to be relaxed, a buffer, have peaceful relating, be harmonious and in union.
Learned why I don?t cope with conflict, hidden apathy, indifference and judgment, tendency to be swept away, automatic default of inaction and disguised resentment.



Jestem tak wdzięczny i szczęśliwy bo po tylu latach się udało...czwórki - jeśli jakakolwiek tutaj zajrzy, jest możliwe odnalezienie waszego własnego zagubionego ja, waszej tożsamości, którą otoczenie wam wymazało lub wy wymazaliście by przeżyć w chorym środowisku. "Samo odnalezienie i połączenie" (ja bym dodał ze źródłem we was samych)" nie da się opisać jak odnalezienie skarbu.


Będziecie odczuwać wdzięczność, zaakceptujecie innych, siebie, świat, to że nie pasujecie nie będzie już problemem a trochę darem, w zasadzie będzie wam to obojętne czy pasujecie czy też nie.. Nie ma nic piękniejszego dla "4ki" niż odnalezienie zagubionego skarbu jakim jest wasze ja, tragedia porzucenia zostanie naprawiona i poczucie bycia niegodnymi.


To jest nie do opisania, zachęcam wszystkie "4" do pracy nad sobą bo, naprawdę warto. 



W dniu 30.04.2020 o 10:31, SzatanKrieger napisał:

 dla 4 – powrót do źródeł,


Różnica między zdrową czwórką a chorą to jest po prostu inny świat, nie ma co porównywać bo po prostu się nie da. 



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Świetna stronka, mnie to zastanawia że te gnoje potrafią tak wyczaić człowieka. 


Polecam wejść w zakładkę i odczytać ennegram, mój trafny jak chłolera jasna.

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Ja mam trochę mindfucka bo kolejna (bliska) osoba mi mówi, że jestem typowym zodiakalnym baranem czyli:


Co kompletnie nie pasuje do INTJa, zastanawiam się czy to nie jest bardziej kwestia, że podświadomie chciałbym taki być i też osobowość INTJa to adaptacja na traumy i dlatego trochę morfuję w tym kierunku. Kim jestem? Gnije bo mam tak skrajnie różne zachowania w zależności od kontekstu, że gubię się. Czasami mówię o sobie sprzeczne rzeczy, ale co najlepsze one są prawdziwe xd

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Myślę, że finalnie to nie ma znaczenia czy jesteś zodiakalnym bakłażanem, triceratopsen, orangutanem czy jasiem fasolą. Znaczenie mają raczej lekcje, które należy wziąć pod swoją opiekę czy sprawdzić gdzie masz słabe punkty, których być może nie jesteś świadom a o czym komunikuje human design, ennegram, mbti czy co tam jeszcze.


Warto również sprawdzić jakim typem kobiety lub mężczyzny jesteś w sensie archetypem - to bardzo mocno pomaga i rozjaśnia sprawę. 

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  • 4 miesiące temu...

@Chicco W kwestii astrologii to kosmogram powie Ci więcej niż sam znak słoneczny. Wpisz swoją datę urodzenia z jak największą dokładnością tutaj. A potem wklej koło, które Ci wyszło np. w tym miejscu:

Jest parę osób, które lubią astro, powiedzą co widzą.


Szkoda, że nie ma Nimfy, pogadałabym o Saturnach, Uranach i innych baranach 😕 

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11 godzin temu, Wielokropek napisał:

@Chicco W kwestii astrologii to kosmogram powie Ci więcej niż sam znak słoneczny. Wpisz swoją datę urodzenia z jak największą dokładnością tutaj. A potem wklej koło, które Ci wyszło np. w tym miejscu:

Jest parę osób, które lubią astro, powiedzą co widzą.


Szkoda, że nie ma Nimfy, pogadałabym o Saturnach, Uranach i innych baranach 😕 

Nie mogę Ci wysłać priva nie wiem czemu. Jakby coś to Nimfa jest całkiem aktywna gdzie indziej 😉 I pozdrawia

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1 godzinę temu, MalVina napisał:

Jakby coś to Nimfa jest całkiem aktywna gdzie indziej 😉 I pozdrawia

Wiem, że była aktywna na forum pewnego sławnego rentiera, bo tam za nią przyfrunęłam 😂.

A co do jeszcze innego miejsca, to tam mi niespieszno. Niemniej, jeśli masz ochotę przekaż Saturniczej Wydrze, że ma stałego, cichego wielbiciela czytelnika tematu o czytaniu z gwiazd. Lubię. 🙂


2 godziny temu, MalVina napisał:

Nie mogę Ci wysłać priva nie wiem czemu


Świetnie, nawet empatyczna @MalVina ma ustawowy zakaz zbliżania się do mnie.😉

Dzięki, że napisałaś tutaj. 



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2 godziny temu, MalVina napisał:

Nie mogę Ci wysłać priva nie wiem czemu.

Bo nie masz 250 postów, musisz więcej spamować by natrzaskać postów by dostać specjalne moce tak poza tym jak chcesz z @Wielokropek pogadać na priv, to kropidło musi zacząć rozmowę albo ktoś dla was utworzyć grupę.


P.S Również pozdrawiam Nifmę 🙂 

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The 27 subtype personalities


Self-Preservation Ones focus on making everything they do more perfect. They are the true perfectionists of the Enneagram. They see themselves as highly flawed and try to improve themselves and make every detail of what they do right. These people are the most anxious and worried Ones, but also the most friendly and warm.

Social Ones focus on doing things perfectly in a larger sense—knowing the right way to do things—and modeling how to do things right for others. An intellectual type, these Ones have a teacher mentality; they see their role as helping others see what they already know–how to be perfect.

One-to-One Ones focus on making other people—and society as a whole—more perfect. More reformers than perfectionists, they tend to display more anger and zeal than the other Ones. These Ones focus less attention on perfecting their own behavior and pay more attention to whether or not others are doing things right.


Self-Preservation Twos seek to gain approval through being charming and youthful. Less oriented to giving and more burdened by helping, they charm others into liking them as an unconscious effort to get people to take care of them. More self-indulgent, playful, and irresponsible than the other two Twos, they are more fearful and ambivalent about connecting with others.

Social Twos seek to gain approval from others through being powerful, competent, and influential. More a powerful, leader type of person, they take charge of things and play to a larger audience as a way of proving their value.

One-to-One Twos gain approval through being generous and attractive. They emphasize their personal appeal and promises of support to make others like them and do things for them—this is a more emotional, passionate Two who seduces specific individuals.


Self-Preservation Threes work hard to assure material security for themselves and the people around them. Oriented to being good (as well as looking good) according to social consensus, they want to appear successful, but they don’t want to brag or self-promote in an obvious way (because that wouldn’t be good). SP Threes are self-sufficient, extremely hard-working, results-oriented, and modest.

Social Threes work hard to look flawless in the eyes of others. Oriented to competing to win and attaining the material and status symbols of success, they focus on getting things done and always having the right image for every social context. The most aggressive, competitive, well-known Three, Social Threes enjoy being onstage and know how to climb the social ladder.

One-to-One Threes focus on creating an image that is appealing to others and supporting and pleasing the people around them—especially partners, co-workers, and family members. They have a relationship or team mentality and work very hard to support the success of others (rather than their own).


Self-Preservation Fours are stoic,  strong, and long-suffering—emotionally sensitive on the inside, they often don’t communicate their darker feelings to others. While they feel things deeply, and may feel sad inside, they often have a sunny, upbeat exterior, as they often received the message early on that their caretakers couldn’t handle their pain or darker emotions. They may feel anxious inside, but they tough things out and have a high tolerance for frustration.

Social Fours suffer. They focus on their own emotions and the underlying emotional tone of whatever situation they are in. They compare themselves to others and tend to see themselves as less worthy or lacking in some way. They are more emotionally sensitive than most other types, they wear their feelings on their sleeve, and connect to themselves through the authenticity of their emotional truth.

One-to-One Fours are more assertive and competitive. These Fours are not afraid to ask for what they need or complain when they don’t get it. They can appear aggressive to others, and they strive to be the best.


Self-Preservation Fives focus mainly on maintaining good boundaries with others. Friendly and warm, SP Fives like to have a private space they can withdraw to if they want to be alone. They focus on minimizing needs, finding refuge, and having all they need within their place of safety.

Social Fives enjoy becoming experts in the specific subject areas that interest them. They like acquiring knowledge and connecting with others with common intellectual interests and causes. They may be more connected to people they connect with through a social cause or are of expertise than the people in close proximity in everyday life.

One-to-One Fives have more a stronger need to connect with other individuals–under the right conditions. These Fives are more in touch with their emotions inside, though they may not show it on the outside. They have a romantic streak that they may express through some form of artistic expression.


Self-Preservation Sixes are the more actively fearful (the phobic or “flight”) Six. They doubt and question things in an effort to find a sense of certainty and safety (that often eludes them). They seek to be warm and friendly to attract allies as a form of outside support or protection in a dangerous world.

Social Sixes are more intellectual types who find a sense of safety in following the guidelines of a system or way of thinking to feel protected by a kind of impersonal outside authority. They tend to be logical, rational, and concerned with reference points and benchmarks. They are more sure of things than the SP Six, who expresses more doubt and ambiguity, and can even become “true believers.”

One-to-One Sixes cope with underlying fear (that they may not be aware of) by appearing strong and intimidating to others. Of the “fight” or “flight” reactions to fear, they choose “fight,” and tend to be risk-takers, contrarians, or rebels. They have an inner program that tells them that the best defense is a good offense.


Self-Preservation Sevens are very practical. Good at getting what they want, they readily recognize opportunities and know how to make things happen, whether through pragmatic planning or a network of allies. They tend to have a talkative, amiable, hedonistic style.

Social Sevens want to avoid being seen as excessively opportunistic and self-interested, so they focus on sacrificing their immediate desires to pursue an ideal of being of service to others. They take responsibility for the group or family and want to be seen as good by easing others’ suffering.

One-to-One Sevens are idealistic dreamers, who have a need to imagine something better than what might be true in their everyday reality. Extremely enthusiastic and optimistic, they have a passion for seeing things as they could be or as they imagine them to be (as opposed to how they really are).


Self-Preservation Eights focus on getting what they need to survive in a direct, no-nonsense way. They have a low tolerance for frustration and a strong desire for the timely satisfaction of their material needs. They know how to do business and get things done and don’t need to talk about it very much.

Social Eights focus on protecting and mentoring others they are connected to or anyone they view as needing their support. While they can be rebellious and assertive, they appear less aggressive as they have a softer side when it comes to taking care of others.

One-to-One Eights have a strong rebellious tendency and like to be the center of things. More provocative and passionate than the other Eights, they like to have power over people and situations.


Self-Preservation Nines focus on finding comfort in familiar routines and the satisfaction of their physical needs. Whether through eating, sleeping, reading, or doing crossword puzzles, SP Nines tend to lose themselves in whatever activities help them feel grounded and comfortable.

Social Nines focus on working hard to support the groups they are a part of as a way of seeking a sense of comfort in belonging. Congenial people who like to feel a part of things, Social Nines tend to be light-hearted and fun, and expend a lot of effort in doing what it takes to be admitted to and supportive of the group or community.

One-to-One Nines tend to merge with the agenda and attitudes of important others in their lives. Sweet, gentle, and less assertive than other types, this relationship-oriented Nine may take on the feelings and opinions of the people they are close to without realizing it.

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Będzie krótko:


Chyba mi się udało coś wewnątrz siebie mocno naprawić/przestawić. 

Może komuś to uratuje w zasadzie, życie więc się dzielę.


Rozwiązaniem jest wasz "basic fear" i "considered bad" :) w bardzo dużej mierze.


Powiem wpierw na swoim przykładzie bo mi tak jest zdecydowanie prościej i potem wy sobie możecie odnieść się do swojego ennegramu.



Strach przed brakiem oryginalności, bycie kimś specjalnym, nie posiadanie tożsamości i znaczenia oraz nie danie niczego światu od siebie, brak poczucia swojego prawdziwego ja i odczucie odłączenie siebie od siebie.


Dzisiaj mnie naszło podczas próbowania zrozumieć czym jestem.

Czy jestem ego, super ego, fałszywym ja (nakładką), prawdziwym (tym co mi się wydaje jako prawdziwie), potworem czy jeszcze czymś innym a może nie mam w ogóle mojego ja i doszło do mnie, że chodziło mi o coś zupełnie innego. W zasadzie jestem tym wszystkim ale odpowiedzią wydaje się być:

Ordynarność, bycie "jednym z wielu", bycie zwyczajnym człowiekiem bez specjalnych kurde nie wiem - misji, specjalnej osoby czy bóg wie czego.

Też zrozumiałem, że nie muszę jakby kochać siebie poprzez kogoś innego, bo już jestem kochanym.

Nie muszę też projektować obciążeń np na partnerkę, że ma być kimś specjalnym, wyjątkowym. Bo to jest niesprawiedliwie by kogoś obciążać i nie pozwalam jej/jemu być.

Być może ten opuszczony chłopiec wewnątrz mnie - wewnętrzne dziecko dostało pierwszy raz pozwolenie na bycie sobą i dostało ciepło akceptacji i tego, że nie musi być kimś specjalnym, po prostu musi być tylko i wyłącznie sobą. Czyli tym czym od zawsze powinienem być. Nikim mniej, nikim więcej - tylko sobą. 

A więc wyjątkowość wydawała być się tym co mnie blokowało głównie razem z kompletnym wyjałowieniem miłości do siebie. I to ma sens, bo prawdziwe "ja" było zagłodzone.


Teraz jeszcze jedno, to nie jest tak że całkowicie mi mój strach znikł ale naprawdę mocno zszedł.


A teraz inne przykłady by dać wam większe zrozumienie:


Enneagram 3:

Boi się akceptacji porażki, a więc niech pozwoli sobie na porażki. Niech pozwoli sobie na bycie najbardziej bezwartościową osobą jaka istnieje.

Enneagram 2

A więc miej potrzeby, bądź nie chcianym i nie wartym miłości.


Co mam na myśli?

Pozwolicie sobie na wasze największe strachy i zaproście je do waszego życia, wydaje mi się że w tym może być rozwiązanie. 😃






Type 1: The Moral Perfectionist is conscientious, orderly, appropriate, ethical, judgmental.

Core Fear: Being wrong, bad, evil, inappropriate, unredeemable, or corruptible
Core Desire: Having integrity, being good, balanced, accurate, virtuous, and right
Core Weakness: Resentment—repressing anger that leads to continual frustration and dissatisfaction with yourself, others, and the world for not being perfect.
Core Longing: “You are good.” 

Type 2: The Supportive Advisor is thoughtful, generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive.

Core Fear: Being rejected and unwanted, being thought worthless, needy, inconsequential, dispensable, or unworthy of love.
Core Desire: Being appreciated, loved, and wanted.
Core Weakness: Pride —denying your own needs and emotions while using your amazing intuition to discover and focus on the emotions and needs of others, confidently inserting your helpful support in hopes that others will say how grateful they are for your thoughtful care.
Core Longing: “You are wanted and loved.” 

Type 3: The Successful Achiever is efficient, accomplished, motivating, driven, and image-conscious.

Core Fear: Being exposed as or thought incompetent, inefficient, or worthless; failing to be or appear successful
Core Desire: Having high status and respect, being admired, successful, and valuable
Core Weakness: Deceit —deceiving yourself into believing that you are only the image you present to others; embellishing the truth by putting on a polished persona for everyone (including yourself) to see and admire.
Core Longing: “You are loved for simply being you."

Type 4: The Romantic Individualist is authentic, creative, expressive, deep, and temperamental.

Core Fear: Being inadequate, emotionally cut off, plain, mundane, defective, flawed, or insignificant
Core Desire: Being unique, special, and authentic
Core Weakness: Envy—feeling that you’re tragically flawed, something foundational is missing inside you, and others possess qualities you lack.
Core Longing: “You are seen and loved for exactly who you are—special and unique.” 

Type 5: The Investigative Thinker is perceptive, insightful, intelligent, detached, and isolated.

Core Fear: Being annihilated, invaded, or not existing; being thought incapable or ignorant; having obligations placed upon you or your energy depleted
Core Desire: Being capable and competent
Core Weakness: Avarice—feeling that you lack inner resources and that too much interaction with others will lead to catastrophic depletion; withholding yourself from contact with the world; holding onto your resources and minimizing your needs.
Core Longing: “Your needs are not a problem.”

Type 6: The Loyal Guardian is committed, responsible, faithful, suspicious, and anxious.

Core Fear: Feeling fear itself, being without support, security, or guidance; being blamed, targeted, alone, or physically abandoned
Core Desire: Having security, guidance, and support
Core Weakness: Anxiety—scanning the horizon of life and trying to predict and prevent negative outcomes (especially worst-case scenarios); remaining in a constant state of apprehension and worry.
Core Longing: “You are safe.”

Type 7: The Entertaining Optimist is playful, excitable, versatile, scattered, and escapist.

Core Fear: Being deprived, trapped in emotional pain, limited, or bored; missing out on something fun
Core Desire: Being happy, fully satisfied, and content
Core Weakness: Gluttony—feeling a great emptiness inside and having an insatiable desire to “fill yourself up” with experiences and stimulation in hopes of feeling completely satisfied and content.
Core Longing: “You will be taken care of.”

Type 8: The Protective Challenger is assertive, self-confident, intense, big-hearted, and confrontational.

Core Fear: Being weak, powerless, harmed, controlled, vulnerable, manipulated, and left at the mercy of injustice
Core Desire: Protecting yourself and those in your inner circle
Core Weakness: Lust/Excess—constantly desiring intensity, control, and power; pushing yourself willfully on life and people in order to get what you desire.
Core Longing: “You will not be betrayed.”

Type 9: The Peaceful Mediator is thoughtful, reassuring, receptive, accommodating, resigned.

Core Fear: Being in conflict, tension, or discord; feeling shut out and overlooked; losing connection with others.
Core Desire: Having inner stability and peace of mind.
Core Weakness: Sloth—remaining in an unrealistic and idealistic world in order to keep the peace, remain easy-going, and not be disturbed by your anger; falling asleep to your passions, abilities, desires, needs, and worth by merging with others.
Core Longing: “Your presence matters."

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